Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 3
Thermodynamics, and kinetics study of physical removal of high concentration sodium dodecayle sulfate during recycling of industrial and household waste water by adsorption at activated charcoal using pH measurements
The adsorption of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at activated charcoal (AC) from high concentration aqueous solution as in recycling proc esses of industrial and household waste water was studied using pH measurements before and after adsorption processes using batch technique. The results is applicable to Lan gmuir adsorption isotherm at 20, and 40C o showing inflection of the lines at tow points divid ing the isotherm into three concentration ranges, the relation between adsorpti on rate and SDS concentration was plotted to give straight line divided to the same t hree concentration ranges of slope equals the rate constant for the three concentration range s .From Langmuir lines the free energy change ∆G showing spontaneous adsorption for all concentrat ion ranges decreases at the second range due to change of adsorption mode from vertical to hemi cylinder micillar structure, the third range show a little increase o f spontaneity due to reach the critical micillar concentration (CMC) at the given temperatu re where ( CMC) at 20C o is higher than that at 40C o . The values of activation energy Ea was calculated b y Arhineous relation to show high positive values reach 37 k J / M.(g. AC) while compeered with corresponding value of ∆G = -15 k J / M.(g. AC) .This high activation ener gy Ea is used to release a number of water molecules already adsorbed at AC s urface to be replaced by one molecule of larger size SDS