Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2017 Vol: 9 Issue: 8

The Magnetic Properties of Alpha Phase for Iron Oxide NPs that Prepared from its Salt by Novel Photolysis Method


The present article was studied a novel and effective method to fibrate alpha phase of iron oxide NPs using photolysis method. The identity, structure, and size of particles were evaluated using XRD, TEM, while the spectra properties of it characterized using FTIR and UV-Vis as well as magnetic properties of alpha phase, was gauged using SQUID and showed deflection between FC and ZFC under Tirr=104 K. The magnetization curve of ZFC obtained the maximum value at TB=51 K and it didn't offer the Morin transition. SPION was obtained from M (H) at 300 K and the data of M (H) determined by Langevin function. Moreover, high magnetization was shown at 25◦C (Ms=3.98 eum/g) and this eligible for biomedicine application.

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