Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Reviews: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 1

The investigation on characteristics of local voluntary aiding forces


Hospitals are the most important centers reducing injuries in the emergence of health crisis. The management of human resources and aiding volunteers is of particular importance to ultimate the efficiency of the scientific, practical and technical potential of these forces. The present study is a systematic review assessing the patterns of voluntary forces in English and Persian language studies. Firstly, data sources were identified. Then according to the research criteria, related studies were selected and required data were gathered. The results showed that7 Persian language and 21 English language studies were evaluated. The public participation and absorption characteristics showed the highest frequency in Persian language studies. There has been no assessment on volunteers` needs or their aiding performance efficiency. Relief performance evaluation had the highest frequency and needs assessment showed the lowest frequency in English language studies. Also both studies have emphasized on the local aspects of aiding patterns.

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