Original Articles: 2012 Vol: 4 Issue: 5
Synthesis and reaction of 1,2-bis-(2/oxocyclohexyl)ethane and its rearrangement to spiroketone
1,2-Bis-(2/oxocyclohexyl) ethane has been prepared by the condensation between cyclohexanone and 1,2 dibromoethane. It was then coverted to dihydroxy perhydrophenantrene and subsequently to a sweet smelling oil when treated with concentrated sulphuric acid by the loss of one molecule of water. Treatment of the 1,2-Bis- (2/oxocyclohexyl)ethane with BF3-acetic acid gave another sweet smelling liquid (m/z 204) identified as spirocyclohexane-2-one. All the structures were assigned by mass, pmr and ir spectra.