Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Study on the urbanization and green economy development in Fujian province


The development of green economy is the key to speeding up the urbanization process. By analyzing the relationship which is complementary and progressive each other between urbanization and green economy development, researching the current situation of the urbanization and the green economy development in Fujian province, further investigating the development of urbanization and green economy in Fujian Province not only has a national strategic opportunities and congenital natural advantage, but also faces with serious barriers to technical and ideas challenges, finally putting forward six feasible suggestions to realize the synergetic development of urbanization and green economy in Fujian Province: guiding by governments' policy and formulating reasonable planning; strengthening implementation efforts and carrying out the standard; perfecting management system and breaking the obstacle of institution; optimizing the industrial structure and transforming the mode of development; improving the technical ability and making the core team, and last but not least is deepening the green consciousness and realizing the "greening" of the whole city.

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