Original Articles: 2012 Vol: 4 Issue: 7
Study and improvement of spectrophotometric and HPLC methods for the determination of nitazoxanide in pharmaceutical preparations
The different assay methods for the determination o f Nitazoxanide in pharmaceutical preparations have been reviewed. The determination of percentage purity of Nitazoxanide has been described by non-aqueous tit ration method. In this study, Nitazoxanide from commercial pharmaceutical preparations was determined quantit atively employing the modified spectrophotometric and HPLC methods and the methods were compared for their acc uracy, specificity and rapidity. The results of both metho ds were reproducible and within the official limit s, however HPLC method has been proved more authentic as it ca n be used for the determination of percentage purit y of raw material of Nitazoxanide and also in combination w ith other drugs