Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2012 Vol: 4 Issue: 5

Structural investigations of Mn(II) doped in diaquacesiumdiaquabismalonatozincate using single crystal EPR study


In the present studies spotlight on the structural investigation of Mn(II) doped diaquacesiumdiaquamalonatozincate (DCDMZ) carried out room temperature using single crystal EPR, UV-Visible, FT-IR and powder XRD techniques. Obtained EPR spectra result shows that 30 lines hyperfine patterns, it indicates manganese present in the host lattice. Angular variation of EPR spectra in the three orthogonal planes shows that presence of only one site having large D value, with orthogonal symmetry. The spin Hamiltonian parameter evaluated using three orthogonal crystal rotations are gxx = 1.8586, gyy = 2.0001, gzz = 2.0641; Axx = 8.30, Ayy = 9.04, Azz = 9.20; Dxx = 5.48, Dyy = 18.89 and Dzz = -24.38 mT. The large zero field tensor due to steric interaction of Malonato Bridge. The direction cosines of metal ligand bond Zn-O did not matched with direction cosines obtained from EPR-NMR confirms that Mn(II) impurity present in zinc malonate lattice is in interstitial position. Observed optical spectra data shows the characteristics of Mn (II) ions in distorted octahedral symmetry.

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