Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Service-oriented supply and demand network of enterprises


To realize dynamic, open and multi supply-demand cooperation of Supply and Demand Network of Enterprises with Multifunction and Opening Characteristics (SDN), both the operational mode and implemented information platform were proposed, according to the restrictions existed in operational mode and service platform. A new operational pattern of SDN based on “full open, win-win cooperation” was propose, by bring service operator and platform provider in SDN. With “Decentralized resources centralize management, centralized resources dynamic service” as guidance, the information system framework of service-oriented SDN was proposed, the key technologies of SDN platform were discussed, the feature of service-oriented SDN were analyzed. Finally, a case of service-oriented SDN of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises was discussed

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