Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Research on supply chain risk evaluation based on the core enterprise-take the pharmaceutical industry for example


In recent years, the financing problems of SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) have become the focus of attention, including the pharmaceutical industry. With the rapid growth of economic development, the financial services of pharmaceutical industry become more and more diversification, which has become the effective method to solve financing problems of SMEs on the supply chain. However, there exists much risk in the pharmaceutical industry, so we need to construct a specific risk evaluation of pharmaceutical industry financial service. According to the characteristics of supply chain finance, paper build the risk assessment of pharmaceutical industry financial service model based on FAHP (fuzzy analytic hierarchy process), and the method is applied to the A Medical Corporation, the data shows that the evaluation method can effectively evaluate the risk in the financial services, and the model is universal to some extent.

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