Original Articles: 2012 Vol: 4 Issue: 5
Quality assessment of drinking water: A case study of Chandrapur District (M.S.)
Chandrapur city is developing rapidly due to industrialization since 2 decades. It is considered being fourth most polluted city in India. The present study was carried out with a view to have an understanding about the pollution status of Chandrapur district, particularly water quality in vicinity of Industrial area. Environmental studies were carried out on ground and surface water to find out the physico-chemical parameters like pH, BOD, COD, DO, hardness, alkalinity, fluorides, chlorides, TDS and turbidity. Seven samples were collected from different sites, in order to evaluate the drinking water quality in and around Chandrapur district. The analysis of various parameters using standard methods (APHA/NEERI) and their comparison with WHO standard values, suggested that most of the parameters were within permissible limit given by Bureau of Indian standards (BIS). Concentration of parameters beyond the limits in some stations could be reduced and could be an invaluable source for domestic purposes in the region. The present paper accounts water quality of various sites situated in Chandrapur and their efficiencies respectively.