Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 3
Predictive value of iron store markers in anemia of chronic kidney disease
Anemia is a major manifestation of chronic kidney d isease (CKD) and shown to have an impact on the mortality and morbidity. Iron deficiency is considered as the most common cause of inadequate response to Erythropoietin. Body stores of iron are usually assessed by Transferrin saturation (Tsat) levels (normal: 20%-30%) and seru m ferritin levels (normal >150ng/ml). Tsat and serum ferritin are extensively used in clinical practice in monitoring iron status of patients with CKD on erythropoietin treatment. Serum ferriti n is an acute phase reactant and thus may be elevated in a number of conditions, including infec tions, inflammation, malignancy, and liver disease. Many of these conditions are common in CKD patients. Similarly, low Tsat may reflect either iron deficiency or intense erythropoiesis, c ausing disequilibrium between iron stores, the circulation, and the bone marrow. In addition, Tsat is calculated as the ratio of serum iron and TIBC, and TIBC is known to fall during infections a nd inflammation, both of which are common in dialysis patients. If TIBC falls acutely, Tsat v alues may be falsely high. Studies have shown that none of the traditional iron indices, such as Tsat and serum ferritin, have a high level of utility i.e. sensitivity and specificity of >80%. I n this context the serum ferritin and T Saturation are still being used for the determining the iron s tores, to define the type of anemia and guide the management. We in the present study tried to analyz e the iron store markers for predicting anemia.