Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2012 Vol: 4 Issue: 1

Potential Application of Kappaphycus alvarezii in Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Industry


Marine organisms are a rich source of structurally novel and biologically active metabolites. Sample was collected from the sea coast of Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu, India in the form of dry and living sample. After drying the sample, it was ground thoroughly to powder form. The powder was then used for the estimation of parameters. From estimation of biochemical composition, it is observed that the protein is as high as 18.78 gm compared to all other substances like, phenols, lipids, carbohydrates, fat, sterols. Hence the species can serve as functional food with vital nutritional and biologicalvalue. .Antioxidant potential of the red algae (Kappaphycus alvarezii) was determined by estimation of vitamin C, vitamin E and heavy metals such as Selenium and Magnesium. The primary metabolites produced by these organisms may be potential bioactive compounds of interest in the pharmaceutical industry. Results of this study suggested that the utility of Kappaphycus alvarezii proved to be a promising area of pharmaceutical study From the study, it was observed that kappaphycus alvarezii maximum activity against pseudomonas flourescence, staphylococcus aureus and less inhibition on vibriochloera and proteus mirabilis. India are potential sources of bioactive compounds..The XRD spectrum of thin film of the biomass that has synthesized gold nano particles was confirmed the presence of gold nanoparticles and its good crystalline nature.

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