Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 12

Physico-chemical analysis of two seeds oils from plants belonging to zygophyllaceae family


In present study, physico-chemical properties and fatty acids composition of Fagonia indica and Tribulus terestris both belonging to Zygophyllaceae family were determined. The oil contents were 13.96% and 10.87% in Fagonia indica and Tribulus terestris respectively. The oil of Fagonia indica consists of 84.1 % unsaturated fatty acids and the main fatty acids are linoleic acid (49.8%), palmitic acid(9.7%), oleic acid(27.5), stearic acid(7.0) and linolenic acid(6.8%). The oil of Tribulus terestris consists of 75.0 % unsaturated fatty acids and the main fatty acids are linoleic acid (18.6%), palmitic acid (10.6%), oleic acid (35.5%), stearic acid(8.3%) and linolenic acid(20.9%).The Saponification value for the oil of Tribulus terestris was found to be higher than that of Fagonia indica but vice versa for the Iodine values of both the oils.

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