Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2016 Vol: 8 Issue: 3

Optimization and validation of rapid and simple method for determination of Isoniazid and Pyrazinamide in plasma by HPLC-UV


Clinical studies on tuberculosis treatment have shown a correlation between drug exposure and treatment failure and acquired drug resistance. Therefore, a therapeutic monitoring of TB drugs is needed to reduce side effects and to optimize treatment efficacy. The Objective of our study was to develop a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the quantification of isoniazid and pyrazinamide. After preparation of the calibration range, the samples were processed by deproteinization solution and then injected into HPLC. The mobile phase used was a mixture of 99% of ammonium acetate solution pH 6 and 1% of acetonitrile, circulating in a column of Wakosil C18 HG (250 mm x 4,6mm; 5 μm) at 20 ° C. Firstly, a specificity and a selectivity for INH and PZA have been demonstrated, and secondly a linearity and a correlation coefficient close to 1 have been found. The coefficient of variation was less than 15% in repeatability. This rapid and rapid method was validated according to guidelines of COFRAC, and therefore applicable to therapeutic monitoring of antituberculosis drugs.

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