Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 3
Mobility of adsorbed chromium in sandy loam and clay loam soils as influenced by Alkylbenzenesulphonate surfactant
A laboratory soil column experiments were conducted to determine the extent of Cr leaching from soil percolated with influent that contained t he surfactant alkylbenzenesulphonate. The results of Cr breakthrough curves (BTCs) showed tha t less pore volumes of influents were required to reach the relative concentration ratio of 1 (C/C 0 =1) for the two soils namely sandy loam soil and clay loam soil treated with the influ ent alkylbenzenesulphonate. The concentration of Cr in the column effluents of soils percolated w ith 0.01M KCl in 0.05% alkylbenzenesulphonate and with 0.01M KCl in 0.01% alkylbenzenesulphonate were significantly higher than those percolated with 0.0 1M KCl with the same volumes of effluents collected. This clearly indicates that the anionic surfactant alkylbenzenesulphonate which are negatively charged have higher potential for compet ing the adsorption sites with Cr on soils, leading to increasing mobility of Cr which also exi sts as anion ( 2 2 7 Cr O − ) in soil. Further it is observed that the characteristics of soil component s related to Cr adsorption affected the adsorption as well as desorption process and subseq uent mobility of Cr in soil environment.