Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2019 Vol: 11 Issue: 9

Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone Derivatives and Study of their Potential Antioxidant Activities


A series of dibenzalacetones were synthesized by conjugating acetone with different substituted benzaldehydes. The general synthetic strategy employed for the synthesis of the compounds was based on Claisen-Smidth condensation reaction in the presence of strong base and was being irradiated by microwave. It gave good yields (88-93%), compounds (3a-c)), except (3d) only gave 11% yield. The structure of the synthesized compounds were characterized by spectral analysis. Their radical scavenging activity was evaluated through the determination of their abilities to inhibit free radicals using DPPH as a stable radical. Ascorbic acid was used as reference antioxidant compound and also the comparative study with curcumin and with the synthesized compounds were done. The compound that showed potential antioxidant activity base on IC50 value were 3d and 3b.

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