Original Articles: 2012 Vol: 4 Issue: 4
In vitro Antioxidant Analysis of Selected Coffee Bean Varieties
Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. It is prepared from the roasted beans (seeds) of coffee plant. It is one of the most-consumed beverages in the world.It was believed that coffee consumption was not good for health. But now a days many reseachers have reported various health benefits of coffee consumption.The aim of the present investigation was to carry out the priliminary phytochemical analysis and in vitro antioxidant analysis of selected coffee bean varieties. Two varieties of Arabica type namely ''Special A'' and ''Kumbakonam'' was selected for the present study. Fresh coffee brews were prepared from both the varieties and used for following analysis. Preliminary phytochemical analysis was done by standard methods.Quantitative analysis like estimation of total phenols and flavonoids were also done on both the varieties.Radical scavenging assays like DPPH Radical Scavenging assay, Nitric oxide Radical scavenging assay,Hydroxy Radical scavenging assay,Superoxide Radical scavenging assay and Total Reducing power assay was also done on both the SpecialA and Kumbakonam varieties.The result showed that Kumbakonam variety has greater phenol and flavonoid content than SpecialA.DPPH, Nitric oxide and Hydroxy radical scavenging assay showed that Special A variety was an excellent scavenger of these radicals especially Nitric oxide radical(P<0.05).Superoxide Radical scavenging assay and Total Reducing power assay results depicts that kumbakonam variety was a good superoxide radical scavenger (P<0.05). Thus,it was concluded that coffee was rich in antioxidants which could help the mankind to combat various ailments which involves oxidative stress in their pathogenesis.