Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 3

Heavy metals level in streams of Tarkwa gold mining area of Ghana


Heavy metals concentrations in water and sediment s amples collected from five streams in Tarkwa gold mining district of Ghana were studied. The water and sediment samples were analysed for As, Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mn, Sb, Th, an d V, using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). The results of this study generall y showed elevated levels of all the ten examined elements in the water and sediment samples . Angonabeng and Bediabewu rivers recorded high levels of Sb, Mn, Cu, Al, Co, Hg and As in their water samples. The Contamination Factor (CF) results revealed that Teb erebie springs are mainly polluted with Sb, Mn V, Al and Cd; and Mile 7 spring sediment is main ly polluted with Sb. Teberebie spring is heavily affected by anthropogenic and natural sourc es of the ten examined metals according to its Pollution Load Index (PLI). The water-sediment correlation matrix, Pollution Load Index (PLI) and the Contamination degree (Cd) results fro m this study have revealed that the concentrations of the examined metals in the water column depend on the amount in the sediments, and are directly proportional.

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