Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 4

Formulation Design of Fast Dissolving Tablets of Granisetron Using Effervescent Blend with Improved Efficacy


In the present work, fast dissolving tablets of granisetron HCl were prepared by effervescent method with a view to enhance patient compliance . Croscarmellose sodium is used as a superdisintigrant along with blend of sodium bicarbonate, anhydrous citric acid and tartaric acid in different ratios (as effervescent material) were used and directly compressible mannitol (Pearlitol SD 200) to enhance mouth feel. The prepared batches of tablets were evaluated for hardnss., friability, drug content uniformity , in vitro dispersion time. Based on in vitro dispersion time (approximately 10-35 s), three formulations were selected and tested for in vitro drug release pattern (in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer) and short -term stability (at 400 C/ 75 % RH for 3 months) and drug-excipient interaction (IR Spectroscopy) were studied. Among the three promising formulations, the formulation containing 8% w/w of croscarmellose sodium and blend of 24% w/w sodium bicarbonate, 12 % w/w of anhydrous citric acid and 12 %w/w tartaric acid emerged as the over all best formulation (t50%=1.4 min) based on the in vitro drug release characteristics compared to commercial conventional tablet formulation (t50%= 19.3 m). Shortterm stability studies on the promising formulations indicated that there were no significant changes in drug content and in vitro dispersion time(p<0.05).

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