Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 3
Formulation and evaluation of in situ ophthalmic gels of Diclofenac sodium
In ocular delivery the physiological constraints im posed by the protective mechanisms of the eye lead to low absorption of drugs, resulting in a sho rt duration of the therapeutic effect. Thus with the use of these in situ gelling systems, residence time of the drug in the eye is increased. Continuous delivery of drugs in a controlled manner to the anterior chamber of the eye will eliminate the requirement for frequent drug adminis tration, causing better patient compliance and resulting in extended duration of action. The p resent work describes the formulation and evaluation of an ophthalmic delivery system of an a nti-inflammatory drug diclofenac sodium, based on the concept of pH triggered in situ gelati on by using sodium alginate, In vitro release studies indicated Among the all formulations F1 sho ws better drug release when contacted with STF solution at 8 hrs study period. It shows antimi crobial, antibacterial and antifungal efficacy with selected microorganisms. These results demonst rate that the developed system is an alternative to conventional ophthalmic drops, patie nt compliance, industrially oriented and economical.