Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 3
Enzyme activity changes in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.& Coss. in response to Albugo candida Kuntz.(Pers.)
The quantitative analysis of Peroxidase, α-amylase, Invertase, IAA-oxidase, Ascorbic acid oxidase activity were observed in healthy and diseased Brassica juncea leaves and inflorescence. Maximum Peroxidase activity observed in infected leaves and disease inflorescence as compared to healthy leaves and infected inflorescence. α- amylase was maximum in healthy leaves and minimum in infected inflorescence. Maximum invertase activity was found in infected leaves of Brassica juncea and minimum in healthy leaves of Brassica juncea . IAA-oxidase activity was higher in infected leaves and inflorescence as compared to healthy leaves and inflorescence. The activity of Ascorbic acid oxidase decrease with the increase in infection in plants.