Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 4

Empirical study on pharmaceutical economic and investment in research and development based on correlation analysis


The pharmaceutical industry has developed widely in recent years. And the relationship between the economic growth of pharmaceutical industry and the investment in research and development synchronization has been concerned. The application of correlation analysis on it is studied in depth. First, relating researches on investment in research and development of pharmaceutical industry are summarized. Second, basic theory of correlation analysis is studied. Third, analysis on current situation of economic growth of pharmaceutical industry and the investment in research and development synchronization are carried out. Finally, endogenous wavelength and frequency measurement for economic growth of pharmaceutical industry and the investment in research and development synchronization are calculated, results show that the economic growth of pharmaceutical industry and the investment in research and development synchronization is highly consistent.

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