Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Empirical analysis of climate conditions influencing physical training


This article aims at analyzing the empirical effects of different climatic conditions on the path and level of physical training of athletes. First, it builds the hypothetical model between climatic conditions and sports training through setting the observational variables of the climate and sports training and on the basis of reviewing the relevant literature. Then, it collects the relevant data from the designed questionnaire and investigation of the influence of the climate on the athletic training. Last but not least, the software, AMOS, conducts data processing and test the degree of fitting of the hypothetical model. The study found that the variation of temperature has a great influence on the physical training and mental training of athletes but little on the tactical training and technical training among the four major factors. It also provides a scientific basis for athletes to do sports training under different climate conditions.

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