Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 3
Effect of some inorganic salts on infiltration rate of soils of several parts of Mehsana and Patan district (North Gujarat)
Soil samples were collected from several parts of Mehsana district (Clay Type : Montmorillonite) and Patan district (Clay Type : Kaolinite – Illite) of North Gujarat, were used for infiltration studies. Both are saline alkaline affected area. Samples were collected from virgin land at different places. The infiltration rate of the soil samples were measured by using the modified Dettmann Emersion technique. Solution of NaCl and NaHCO3 used for infiltration study. On the basis of the above observation it is reported that effect of inorganic salts will responsible for the maintenance of sufficient permeability to permit salinity control and reclamation that will ultimately decide the suitability of any soils for a specific crop.