Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 1

Effect of nonionic surfactant micellar (Triton XÃ?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â??100) on the spectrophotometric determination of Lead (II) with isonitriso-p-isopropyl acetophenone phenyl hydrazone


The effect of nonionic surfactant micellar (Triton X–100) on the sensitive, simple and inexpensive, spectrophotometric method was developed for the determination of lead (II) with isonitriso p-isopropyl acetophenone phenyl hydrazone (HIPAPH). Lead was complexed with isonitriso p-isopropyl acetophenone phenyl hydrazone (HIPAPH) in presence of non ionic surfactant micellar (Triton X–100). Absorption spectrum of Pb- HIPAPH complex in the presence of non ionic surfactant1 medium shows a peak at 390 nm. The molar absorptivity of the complex was 5.6734x104 and Sandell’s sensitivity was The system obeys Beer’s law in the concentration range of 0.25 to 15.0ppm. The composition of the complex (metal: ligand) was 1:2. The method was employed for the determination of lead in industrial effluents and ground water samples.

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