Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Development of 5% Abamectin EW formulation


In this study, through optimizing the 5% abamectin EW formulation, stable formulation was determined, the optimum formula of 5% abamectin EW were as follows: Abamectin TC 5%, toluene 9%, cyclohexanone 6%, BY-125 7%, NP-10-P 1.34%, thickening agent (xanthan gum) 0.05%, anti freeze agent (ethylene glycol) 5%, defoaming agent 0.1%, distilled water or deionized water was made up of 100%. The product had good cold storage, heat storage and stability with time, was in conformity with the EW quality standard.

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