Original Articles: 2019 Vol: 11 Issue: 9
Correspondent Evaluation of Anti-pyretic Activity by Using Salacia fruticosa
The present pharmacological research were carried out in anti pyretic activity of Salacia fruticosa formulation in rats against yeast induced and vaccine induced pyrexia methods was standardized. In this injecting yeast suspension (S.C, P.O) followed by recording the temperature at regular intervals. Then the evaluation of anti pyretic activity of Salacia fruticosa formulation was carried out by using standard procedure. Both the Salacia fruticosa samples including vehicle significantly turn down in the rise of temperature after 3 hours of yeast injection. After 19-23 hours of yeast injection of Salacia fruticosa samples minimize the rise in temperature at extremely significant manner in comparision to both yeast and vaccine control groups. The data initiated during studies show that both the Salacia fruticosa formulation having significant anti-pyretic activity.