Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 3

Comparative morphological and anatomical studies of the barks of three Albizzia species


This study deals with the morphological and the ana tomical features of the barks of the three medicinal plants Albizzia anthelmentica, Albizzia l ebbek, Albizzia zygia. The barks of these three species show considerable differences in the patter ns of the periderm formation in the outer bark. A. lebbek and A. zygia have a number of para llel layers of periderm and the outer bark is irregularly fissured and ridged. A. lebbek bark is gray to brown with rough fissures but A. zygia bark is pinkish gray to dark brown and roughly fiss ured whereas A. anthelmentica bark is gray and smooth and it has virtually smooth outer bark f orming a single superficial periderm and there are no fissures. Anatomically, the barks of t hese Albizzia species contained crystals, stone cells, starch granules and tannins, their quantitie s differed among the three species. The powders of the three barks microscopically contain the same elements but they can be distinguished by the large abundant starch granules and the large st one cells in A. anthelmentica. Whereas A. lebbek can be distinguished by the abundant large c alcium oxalate crystals and the isodiametric small stone cells. A. zygia can be distinguished by the presence of small few stone cells and the very rare small starch granules. The bark parenchym a cells are found in between the phloem and cortical cells.

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