Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2016 Vol: 8 Issue: 12

Can Selected Physical Activity Improve Self-perceptions Psychosocial Aspects in Children


Physical activity programmers are considered to hold psychosocial benefits for children and young people. In this relatively unpopulated research area, investigation of exercise variables (type, duration, frequency) and their impact upon a range of psychosocial variables is needed. Effects of a six-week aerobic program intervention for pre-adolescent children, with scores for school connectedness below the average score for their school, upon their self-concept regarding their emotional and behavioral well-being. This study reports an experimental evaluation of the effects of a 10-minute daily, six-week, aerobic exercise programme (‘Wake up, Shake up’) on the self-perception of emotional and behavioural adjustment of primary school children. Participants (N=71; age 8 to 11 years) with scores below the average ‘school connectedness’ score for their school were randomly assigned to an experimental (aerobic exercise), comparison (‘Circle Time’) or control condition. The intervention reduced pupils’ perceptions of their emotional and behavioural difficulties. Selected Physical Activity programmes are recommended as an intervention to enhance aspects of Improve Self-perceptions psychosocial aspects (emotional and behavioural well-being) for children in this age group. The need for further research on the effects of exercise programmes for this age group, and for developing reliable assessment measures, is highlighted.

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