Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Cadmium in the shallow groundwater of urban area: Spatial and statistical analysis


In this study, sixty-two shallow groundwater samples from the urban area in Suzhou, northern Anhui Province, China have been collected and analyzed for their cadmium concentrations, and then processed by either spatial analyses (spatial clustering) and statistical (box plot) for identifying the spatial and statistical outliers. The results indicate that fifteen samples have been identified as spatial outliers, whereas three samples have been identified as statistical outliers. Their mean±2σ concentration is then set as environmental baseline (0.035-1.062 ug/l). Moreover, based on the contour map of cadmium concentrations before and after outlier removing, one hotspot with high cadmium concentrations has been identified, which might be indication of anthropogenic contribution.

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