Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 3

Based on the index system of regional water resources sustainable development guidelines for dual layer configuration


With the rapid development of China's economy keeps water shortage has become one of the major factors restricting China's social and economic development. Regional allocation of water resources is the main means to solve water problems. Configure the settlement of regional water supply and demand of water resources, on the other hand to achieve sustainable use of water resources. Therefore, to achieve regional sustainable development of water resources allocation is the development direction of regional water resources allocation, the establishment of a comprehensive and effective system of regional water resources sustainable development indicators configuration is necessary. Based on the discussion of regional water allocation and sustainable development, based on analysis of regional water resources allocation concept and content of sustainable development, summarized the researches on the evaluation system for water allocation and sustainable development, so as to establish a evaluation index system of regional water resources sustainable development a complete set of configuration, the use of fuzzy mathematics and AHP method for the entire index system quantitative research

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