Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 3

Application of multiple linear regression model in the performance analysis of traffic rules


Nowadays, the traffic safety problem has become the focus of attention and making a sound and reasonable traffic rules and regulations is the trend. The current study mainly discusses the overtaking and lane-changing problem in highway, the differences between traveling on the left and on the right lane. In order to promote traffic smooth effectively, overtaking model is constructed. The left lane changing rule considers its influence on human heart, and then multiple linear regression models. In the country with the cars driving on the left, this model is especially suitable for the near S shaped highway. By studying the joint influence of the curve radius of curvature, steering angle and the road friction coefficient on the driving speed of the curve and the obtained speed is within the speed limit. Therefore, after improving the overtaking model, the left lane vehicle also applies to the lane-changing rule.

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