Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2021 Vol: 13 Issue: 7

Anti-Obesity and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Banana Peel Extract Phytosome Dietary Supplement in High Fat Diet Induced Obesity in Male Sprague Dawley Rat Model


The object is to examine the possible effect of banana peel extract phytosome dietary supplement (BPPS) on certain inflammatory biomarker complementary 3 (C3) and investigate the obesity related complication as measured by glycemic profile in the high fat diet- induced obesity in Sprague-Dawley rat, and also to determine phosphorus and poly phenol content of banana (Musa cavendishii) peel extract Forty two male Sprague-Dawley rats (180-220 g of weight (were randomly divided into two main dietary groups: normal fat diet group (NFD; n=21, 9.5% fat) and HFD group (n=21, 45.0% fat) for 8 weeks. Seven rats of each group were sacrificed for baseline data analysis. The remaining rats (n=14) in the HFD group were further randomly sub-divided into two sub-groups for the second period of the study (8 weeks) when rats were fed their respective diets and subjected to the following interventions: (1) banana peel extract phytosome supplementation with NFD (NFD-BPPS; 350 mg banana peel extract)(2) NFD as control group (3) banana peel extract phytosome supplementation with HFD( HFD-BPPS; 350 mg banana peel extract)(4) HFD as control group. At the end of the study (16 weeks) all rats were sacrificed, blood samples were collected. Then, biochemical analysis including serum C3 and glycemic profile were undertaken In conclusion, using banana peel extract as a model of high phosphorus and poly phenol extract in the form of phytosome dietary supplementation could have effects on inflammatory biomarkers complement 3 along with glycemic profile.

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