Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 4
Adult hemodialysis patients with end-stage renal disease, secondary hyperparathyroidism according to etiologies and itching assessment
Secondary hiperparatroidizm (SHPT); mineral and bone disorders or diseases into the area, disrupt the quality of life, mortality is a disease. Our patients with end stage-renal disease (ESRD) treated with our previous studies our attention is the prevalence of SHPT and the possible relationship between the etiology and symptoms of itching to reveal, constitute the purpose of our study. Permissions are included in the study based on 71 (73-2) the whole patient, three sessions per week and admitted that at least four hours each session, consisted of adult individuals. Two patient not included in the study, because they had been operated total parathyroidectomy. Blood samples of patients, taken before the start of prehemodialysis treatment, blood clots you've, in our unit was centrifuged and the sera were submitted by laboratories comply with cold chain. This study in November 2008, including in October 2009 lasted 12 months. Study, four stages were followed, first as a grouping of etiology and 12 months were made by taking the average patient groups were formed. SHPT research groups of the second stage, third stage of the research has been itching symptoms. Itching symptoms in all patient groups and patients with SHPT, were identified separately. The fourth leg of the study consisted of statistical studies of the symptoms of itching. Overall incidence for all groups of SHPT patients were not aqual (P = 0.003 <0.05). The incidence of SHPT on an annual basis, most FMF group, in 2 cases out of a total of three patients with type II DM in a third frequency, a total of 27 patients, 12 were in sin. The incidence of SHPT 7.grupta least, that the etiology of pyelonephritis in patients with SHPT as one in six people have been identified. All patients with symptoms of itching in our 23% diagnosed with SHPT and 50% of our patients, respectively. The distribution of symptoms like itching has according to the groups, group 1: 10%, group 2: 21%, group 3: 18%, group 4: 66%, group 5: 40%, group 6: 50%, group 7: 16%, group 8: 50%. SHPT in our patients were diagnosed as having symptoms of itching distribution according to groups: 1.group: 50%, 2.group: 60%, 3.group: 33%, 4.group: 100%, 5.group: 50%, 6.group: 100%, 7.group: 0%, 8.grup: 100% were found to be