Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2016 Vol: 8 Issue: 3

Adsorption of Cr6+ and Fe3+ from hospital wastewater using activated carbon from epicarp of Detarium microcarpum and Balanitea egyptiaca shells


In this study, the adsorption behaviour of some adsorbents; ACDMPA, ACDMZC, ACBAPA, ACBAZC and CAC with respect toCr6+ and Fe3+has been investigated in order to consider its application for the removal of metal ions in Hospital wastewater. The batch adsorption studies parameters such as adsorbent dosage, agitation time and pH were employed. The influence of pH on Cr6+ and Fe3+ uptake by different adsorbents used were carried out between pH 2-8. The optimum pH for the removal of Cr6+ by all the adsorbents was 2, the optimum pH for the removal of Fe3+ was 4 by ACDMPA and CAC. At pH 6, the maximum adsorption of Fe3+ occur when ACDMZC, ACBAPA and ACBAZC was used. An equilibrium time of 30 minutes was required for the adsorption of Cr6+ and Fe3+ by CAC, while 45minutes was the equilibrium time for the adsorption of the two metal ions onto ACDMPA, ACDMZC, ACBAPA and ACBAZC. The optimum dosage for removal of Fe3+ was 0.4g when CAC and ACDMPA was used, and 0.6g when other adsorbents were used. For Cr6+ the optimum dosage for its removal was 0.4g when ACDMPA was used, while 0.6g is the required optimum dosage for other adsorbents. Adsorption parameters for ACDMPA were determined using both the Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms, but the data for Fe3+ adsorption were well fitted into the Langmuir equation, while the adsorption of Cr6+ was well fitted into the Freundlich than the Langmuir equation. The results proved that all the carbon produced has the ability to remove heavy metal specie in wastewater

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